How to Enable Multitasking in Your iPad App : Split View and Slide Over

Apple has now released iOS 9 and with it comes Multitasking on the iPad. The new iPad Pro along with other iPads now allow you to run apps side by side in a split view or a slide over view.

It is a good idea to check your apps to make sure they display correctly with these new form factors. The real secret behind making this work is to use Auto Layout. If you have been ignoring Auto Layout up until now, it is time to pick up the skill and not be left behind.

So how do you make your apps ready for iPad multitasking? Let’s get to that.

6 Hacks For Creating a Stunning User Interface

Designers seem to have this superpower that we developers can’t get a grasp on. They know how to make an app UI look good and sometimes we think we can replicate the look and feel.

30 hours later, we still on the first screen with so many lines of code written but nowhere near the look and feel we desire. That can be frustrating.

The good news is that the designer superpower is not so super after-all. There are some simple hacks in design and if you understand them, you can also make your UI look good with minimal effort.


42 Apple Watch Design Resources For Your App

I’m sure a lot of you are ready to start making apps for the Apple Watch. I decided to compile a huge list of resources that will help you along the way. Most of these are mockups in either Photoshop of Sketch so you can have good lifestyle shots for your apps. Included in this list are also icons and UI Kits to prototype your new app faster. Enjoy!

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How to Create A Dribbble Client in Swift

Been wanting to try out a good project on Swift and Xcode 6? Well, I’ve got you covered. In this 6-part tutorial, I will be showing you how to create a Dribble Client from scratch using a lot of really cool techniques in iOS.

I have broken up the tutorial into small video chunks about 5-6 minutes long and at the end of it you will have an app that connects to the Dribbble API, downloads shots and displays them in a beautiful collection view.

So let’s get started.

6 Psychological Triggers to Make Your App Screenshots More Effective

How do you use proven psychological triggers to influence users to download your app?

In this post, I will explore the six principles outlined by the book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini and show you how you can use these proven triggers in your screenshots to persuade users to download your app.

Also in the post, you will find examples of companies that are already using these key principles to influence their users.

The Apple Watch.. and why developers should jump on it ASAP

I had my birthday a couple of months ago. My wife got me a wristwatch. A Citizen Eco-Drive. It looks really good and I love wearing it. But the problem is… I can’t use it to tell the time.

Why? Because it isn’t set correctly, I did try looking at the manual. When I saw it was as thick as my thumb, I gave up and checked on YouTube and gladly saw that Citizen has 15 minute videos showing you how to set all their watches.

iOS 8 Custom Keyboard Tutorial: How to Create A Third-Party Keyboard Extension

iOS 8 brings a lot of cool features along with it. One of them being the addition of 3rd Party Keyboards as App Extensions. And we should really pay attention this time, as it opens up a whole new category of apps and monetization options. With over a million apps in the Store, I will welcome a new category any day 🙂

With this post, I want to show you how to create a Custom Keyboard for your app which can be used system-wide as a keyboard option.

Monetisation Strategies - Implementing In-App Purchases

There are so many monetization options in the App Store. In-App purchases being one of them.

And it is one of the easiest ways to start, so it would be stupid not to even try it. So what did we do? We built in-app purchasing into the Quizmaker template.

And I made a video to show you how we are implementing a couple of strategies in the app.

We included multiple ways of getting the user to upgrade to a Pro version easily, including a really interesting “BUY ALL” feature.

Seems Apple is on-board with this since iOS 8 is going to include bundles to buy multiple apps. We implemented in-app purchase bundling… Watch the video to see what I mean.

You probably want to use this in your apps too…

If you have bought the Quizmaker template in the past, login to get the update. If you don’t haven’t… what are you waiting for? Go get it here