Top 7 Free iOS Photo Editors for iPhone in 2014

Top 7 iOS Photo Editors for iPhone in 2014

iPhone isn’t just a smartphone, or a high-end mobile device that you can use to build amazing things; it’s also a photography device for many, and when we look at the industry at large, many of the images we share online these days, have in fact been captured with our mobile devices.

Instagram changed the way we perceive photo sharing with friends, family and the public, but guess what? Instagram is only for mobile devices, and so you can image the scope that the industry has managed to consume over time. Apart from default filters that Instagram offers, there isn’t all that many other things to do with your photos.

But, it’s never just about Instagram, or similar sites. Often, artists take professional photos for themselves and their projects, using nothing but their mobile phone, and perhaps a couple of additional gadgets, but we’re not going to get geeky here.

iOS photo editors enable us to play with our pictures at a greater depth, and saves us time from having to upload every single picture to our computers, and doing the editing from there. I’ve used plenty of iPhone photo editors in the past to know which ones are good, and which ones lack even the most basic features.

We’re going to take a look at the top 7 photo editors for iOS devices, and hopefully you’ll be able to find something new and exciting that you would like to try. Lets get to, shall we?


Sktchy - Share photos. Inspire artists

Sktchy makes photo sharing inspiring. Every day artists around the world create amazing portraits inspired by the photos on Sktchy. Drawings, paintings, sculptures — you never know what your photo might inspire an artist to create.

I’ve learned that this is the perfect photo editing / sharing app for artists, I’ve found so much inspiration by browsing peoples crazy views of life, and I highly recommend for you to download and try this free photo app.



You can easily build beautiful collages and organized photo galleries (hence, frames) and share them with your family and friends. I’ve chosen to include this photo editor in this list, because it also offers the ability to apply filters, very similar to Instagram.


FxCamera - photos with various effects

Toycam, fisheye, symmetric photos, this app has got it all and it’s so easy to use, you’ll even forget that you’re using it. The really interesting feature that stands out for FxCameris of course the ability to do voice-overs for your photos, you can snap a photo while also doing a voice-over for it, and it’s totally share-able on big social networks like Facebook.


Camera360 Ultimate

This was the best photo editing app in 2013, and still is in the year 2014. Camera360 has been around for long enough to understand the market and realize what the customers want. You can easily apply filters and see both non-filtered and filtered pictures at the same time, instead of switching from one to another, you can see it all happen in real-time.

Photo Wonder

Photo Wonder

Stands out with a magnificent collage feature, which will make you want to rearrange all of your previous photos in beautiful sets of galleries and collages, has a decent sized filter collection, but nothing overly spectacular. Still, over a 100 million downloads cant be wrong!

Vintage Deco

Vintage Deco

Like vintage, or retro? This is the app to get, it has recently gotten a lot of attention due to the fact that artists and creatives are making good use of the set of filters that this app brings to the table, and also the stamps and frames that you can put on pictures. If not for editing, then at least get it to have some fun with friends.

LINE Camera

LINE Camera

I’m constantly using this photo editing app to edit my photos with the ability to add text and extra images to them. You get access to incredible amounts of fonts and filters, and it’s one of the nicest applications for adding extras on top of your images. Try it out and let us know what you thought!

Free iOS Photo Editors for iPhone in 2014

The market for photo editors on the iOS is for sure growing, and this is only a small percentage of what is out there, available. Not to mention, many of the photo editors that could have made the list, are actually paid applications (unlike this list, free), and have even more extraordinary features integrated within them.

Just like computers, mobile devices also advance at a rapid rate, and so the technology improves, and the things that we can do; improve as well.

Killer Features of Top Newsstand Magazines

Killer Features of Top Newsstand Magazines

Killer Features of Top Newsstand Magazines

We looked at some of the things, and little neat tricks that make newsstands apps stand out from each other, more specifically - we went over the things that can help our own apps stand out from the crowd.

But, sometimes that is not enough, and maybe we feel like we need to learn a little bit more, to better understand what are the things that work, and what are things that are just there for the sake of it. With that in mind, we’re going to be looking at a few top newsstand applications on the market now, and see what is it that they’re doing right.

You could argue that copy catting someone is not the wisest of ideas, when in reality; most of the applications we see today is some sort of copy of something that was once already built, new technology emerges once in a while, and when it does - a given portion of people / businesses are going to try and rely on that technology.

Without any further introduction, lets take a look at what people think a good newsstand app looks like, and how we can take that data to amplify our own newsstand apps for years to come.


The New York Times   Breaking News  World News   Multimedia

This is the most popular newsstand app on the App Store, but is it really the features that make this app stand out from the rest, or is it the fact that the magazine itself is so popular? NYTimes by default is minimal (ever since their revamp, plus it’s also a web design trend), responsive and very light color based.

After having experimented with the features of this app, I have come to a conclusion that these three features are the ones that really stand out from the rest:

  • Watch Breaking News as They Appear (Notifications)
  • Automatic Refresh of Pages is a Time Saver (In the Background)
  • Allows to Save Articles for Future Reading

There are a couple of more, but these are the ones that really come together to make news reading very easy and accessible. You can visit a single article, and not worry about having to refresh for new updates, and whenever you run out of time - you can save the article for later. This is newspaper done right.


Businessweek   Business News  Stock market   Financial Advice

Businessweek is a website that’s run by the Bloomberg media outlet, it’s a quite popular magazine, and their mobile newsstand app is quite sought after. Why is that, and what makes this app the one to go to? Surely, the news they publish can be read elsewhere.

Giving a spin to this app made me realize a few similarities, but also the advantage of having a newsstand app to deliver news. Here are the top three features for Businessweeks app:

  • Easily see market news for companies mentioned within articles.
  • Social integration makes sharing seamless and obvious.
  • Search all previous issues, by keyword or company name. (epic!)

Businessweeks approach is slightly different, because they’re a business website, but it’s still amazing as to how versatile a newsstand application can be, and I think the fact that they really outline the ability to search all the previous versions of their magazine issues is what makes this app so good.

Not everyone is signing up to get the latest scoop, and many people signup only to work on their research for a couple of months, then pull the plug.

Forbes Magazine

Forbes Magazine

Truly unique among magazine apps, the Forbes app acts as your gateway to the ultimate Forbes experience by combining the power of the print magazine with the dynamic and content-rich Web site — all of which is enabled for easy sharing.

Forbes have also grasped the essence of how a good newsstand app should work and operate, like for example:

  • Interactive content can be shared directly by tapping on it.
  • Real-time comment system makes for good discussion.
  • Modern and flexible navigation for finding content easily.

these are definitely the features that sold the application to me, I don’t want to be just reading good news, I want to be able to interact with that content in any way I like, and being able to have a live comment feed means that I can easily focus on two tasks at a time, without having to spend time on waiting for a reload.

Great Newsstand Features from Top Magazines

We could look at every single newsstand application that there is, but after a while the features begin to repeat themselves, and because of that; the ones I’ve mentioned in this post are the ones that are being utilized the most, at least in my research.

What are some common features you enjoy from a newsstand app, and what do you think is missing in this market?

5 Ways to Have a Better Experience of Flipboard for iPhone

5 Ways to Have a Better Experience of Flipboard for iPhone

Flipboard is your personal magazine. It is the most popular way to catch up on the news, read stories from around the world and browse the articles, videos and photos friends are sharing. To begin, pick a few interests and tap any of the tiles to begin flipping through your personal magazine.

You can get it for your iPhone / iPad, Android, Windows or even BlackBerry devices, and it’s easily one of the best social news magazines in the world. The name originates from a design feature which is called ‘flipping’, which means you’re reading everything like you would on a normal magazine, by flipping pages.

Flipboard announced on March, 5. 2014 that it is acquiring Zite, a competing news-recommendation and content-sharing app currently owned by CNN, and will use that acquisition to create a broad advertising and content partnership with the news giant. [G]

In order to broaden your experience of Flipboard, we’ve put together a list of five ways to help you get the most out of Flipboard, and make your reading experiences a little bit more personal, and engaging.

Save Your Stories for Later

You are able to save any article for later reading, currently Flipboard offers two ways of doing this:

  • Instapaper
  • Pocket


all you have to do is click the menu item whenever viewing content, and you’ll be presented with the option to save stuff for later. This is particularly useful when you feel like you’ve began reading something really good, but don’t have the time to read it right now: because far too often, we just forget about those articles.

You’ll need accounts with either of the services to save content for later.

Dislike the Reading Layout?

I’m not very fond of Flipboard’s default design, and to fix this problem, I’m reading articles on the original sites that they’ve been submitted from. You might not think this is at all going to make any difference at first, but I’ve noticed that it often does make a difference and I tend to explore new areas, that I would have otherwise ignored.

Ignore Crappy News Sources

The one thing I absolutely love about Flipboard is their transparency, and their set of options that they give to the users, which enable for far better freedom and content quality. You’re able to ‘mute’ users / magazines incredibly easy, all you have to do is navigate to their profile and click the menu button, and from there select the option to ignore.

Far too often, a news site is going to start taking different approach to their style of news, and you’ll end up with low quality soap content on your sources list. I’ve ignored well over 50 people / brands in less than a year.

Connect Your Social Media Profiles


Flipboard allows you to connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts, and once you do that, you’re able to update those social sites from within the Flipboard’s own dashboard, what I love about that is that you’re able to discuss the news you’re reading with much larger audience (rather than having to share something separately, and then check separately too) and it makes for better overall experience.

Build Your Flipboard Magazine

I’ve built several, to keep a track of different sources that I am reading. It’s also an alternative to one of the points we already read earlier, it’s a way of saving articles and stuff you like for later reading. You can create a magazine from any page on Flipboard, just look for the ‘+’ button and take it from there.

Flipboard for iPhone: How To Make It Better

It takes a little time to get used to this wonderful magazine app, but the thing I like the most about it, is that after a while you realize how sophisticated it is, yet so easy to use and navigate. It’s clear that the team behind this project has worked hard to iron out all the design kinks over time.

It’s still my favorite way of consuming news, but do you think it can compare with stuff like newsstand apps?

Depth, Deference, and Clarity:- Watchwords of the iOS 7 Human Interface Guidelines

How long has it been since you took a good long look at the iOS human interface guidelines? The release of the iPhone 5? iPhone 4? Earlier? Never? If you’ve not looked at them recently and given your iOS7 app development a top-to-bottom review, your work may be suffering. Don’t worry, though. In this article, we’ll be reviewing the key points of the guidelines, condensed and refined for the developer on the go.

Core Principals outlines three themes as the core of iOS 7 development:

Deference. An application’s interface doesn’t compete with the content—it stays out of the way or complements it.

Clarity. Text is easy to read at any size, icons are effective and precise, adornments are subtle, and function drives design.

Depth. Motion and layers work together to create a livelier, more engrossing user experience.

Developers should completely strip away their old UIs and reconsider their apps from the ground up, integrating the new design principals of iOS 7 to create a functional, consistent user experience.


Understanding the UIKit framework and its terminology can go a long way in helping a developer meet Apple’s human interface guidelines in their designs. It’s also important to realize the difference between developer perspective and user perspective in this area, i.e. the difference in perception of ‘views and view controllers’ vs. ‘screens’.

Quick In and Out

iOS 7 design themes place a premium on apps which function as users want them to function, given the ‘use for a minute or two of downtime’ nature of many iOS apps. A quick launch without splashes and start buttons and an equally speedy exit make for the most satisfactory experience.

That also means skipping prolonged setups where possible. Drive Dominion recommends settings which will satisfy 80% of your users, ignoring outliers, and gathering information from other sources when possible.

Functional Layouts

Layouts with more options aren’t always more functional. Tappable controls should be at least 44×44 points, as PossPW suggests. It’s also important to understand how users focus on content. The top left corner is most important, with user attention slacked the further down and to the right they move on their screen. Clever use of size, color, and proper alignment groupings will make it much easier for users to find what they need and access it in busy or distracting environments.

Navigation should be transparent. That is to say, you don’t want end users noticing your navigation; it should be so seamless and convenient that the user moves from content piece to content piece without ever having to consider how to get to their next goal. Similarly, you don’t want users to ever feel trapped in a dead end or modal task with no obvious route back.


Certain gestures and methods of interaction are ingrained in iPhone users by now; if your app utilizes functions like the tap, drag, flick, swipe, double tap, pinch, touch and hold, or shake in a way that differs wildly from their standard usage, you can expect unhappy users. Likewise, don’t reinvent the wheel with custom gestures for standard activities. The only noteworthy exceptions to these baselines are games, where custom gestures often supply half the fun.


Consistency between apps improves the user experience in animation, graphics, branding, and other aspects of style as much as in gestures. Gratuitous animations and other ill-considered attempts to ‘stand out’ fall flat in the iOS 7 environment. Refined, unobtrusive, and functional are the keywords for branding and other aspects of style.


An app communicates with users. Knowing the language of the iOS 7 environment is very important for accurate, precise communication; words and terminology have specific meanings to someone who has used other iOS apps with implications which do not exist outside of that environment. Similarly, there are a multitude of standard UI elements, particularly those from the UIKit, which people have become comfortable with.

Developers must carefully consider the needs of the end user and the goals of the human interface guidelines before introducing custom elements to the experience.

How to Make Your Newsstand App Stand Out from the Rest


Apple Newsstand was first released three years ago, in 2011. One of the first news outlets around the World to publish their own unique newsstand application was The New York Times, I’m not quite sure that the decision they made was a wrong one, and to be fair - it probably had a lot of influence on other news websites.

In less technical terms, newsstand enables news websites (though, journals work just as well) to have their application listed within the newsstand ‘folder’, not function as a standalone app - which, let’s be honest, at this stage of technological growth would be a serious pain in the neck.

But because we already know all this, we’re here to take a look at some methods and techniques of how we can improve our newsstand application, and make it stand out from the crowd.

Most importantly, we want to increase the engagement rate, and the amount of people reading news trough our app - while word of mouth has little to do with this, an exceptional application is sure to capture the attention of many.

The Cover of Your Magazine

I guess one of the wisest decisions that able made regarding newsstand, was that it enabled publishers to submit their apps with a specific cover icon, but whenever an update of the magazine would be published - the cover would change automatically.

You need to get it right, every time. Yes, people are mostly visiting your news because they like to read what you’re writing about, but being able to capture the extra attention trough a well thought of cover can mean all or nothing.

The best way to go about this is probably by looking at past issues of really popular magazines, and seeing whether they prefer to use minimal or more stylish design types for their covers.

Start Publishing Multimedia

Technology is advancing very quickly, and so are the specifications of smartphones like iPhone itself, allowing the phone to withstand much more multimedia types. The types we’re interested in are,

  • music files,
  • widgets,
  • animations,
  • 3D,
  • slideshows

What you want to do is blow the user away with your ability to provide new media formats, frequently and without any extra effort on the users part. That is exactly what’s going to make your newsstand app stand out from the crowd.


Good example? I guess New York Times itself is a good example, they’re mostly publishing text content, with the occasional videos here and there. Get on top of that, and start publishing animated content, 3D concepts and more - make it as realistic as possible.

Content That Engages and Calls for Action

I can’t remember exactly where I read this saying, but it went something along the lines of ‘great content doesn’t require a call for action, for it is so good that people want to pass it forward’ - it could be me myself coming up with it right now, but it’s definitely an analogy to live by, when it comes to working with stuff like news and delivering content to people.

call to action

You’re competing with possibly ten more applications on that newsstand shelf, and it’s hardly about the looks - give the readers content that will make them want to come back, but never cross the line of producing something for the sake of getting return visitors.

Encourage your writers, build new relationships, maximize the exposure potential. It has been know for a long time, happy workers are far more productive than those who’re being treated badly.

Know Your Market Niche

We’ve learned a lot, on how to build a better newsstand app that will surely capture the attention of both current, and potential readers. But, the last thing I want to say is that on top of all that - if we’re able to understand and know our niche that we work within, we’re already half-way on the road to success.

Big publishers publish all that they can publish, mostly for exposure and the momentum they’re able to gain. You can instead focus on building highly niche developed magazines that deliver high quality content to that special bunch, which is not only going to increase the revenue, but also the engagement rate and the overall quality of the site.

I’ve tried serving tens of niches at a time, from within one website - and honestly, half the categories after a while become dead. I still keep them, in case there is ever something scientific to publish.

5 Books to Help You Become an iOS App Developer

5 Books to Help You Become an iOS App Developer

With each new iOS version, there are significant amount of changes that are being brought to the table, but not only for the typical consumer, also for developers - who’re the ones building applications, and in fact the future of Apple as we know it.

Guess what, as an iOS developer in New York (or anywhere in the US), you can expect to earn a salary ranging from 100,000$ all the way up to 150,000$ when you become proficient and more experienced. Now, that’s definitely something I’d think twice about, considering that a book from which you can learn iOS app development is going to costly somewhere in the 30$ range.

In this post you’re going to learn about five of the most recognized and admired books that are currently available to the public, for learning iOS application development. I’ve made sure that all of them are beginner friendly, and will advance you to intermediate / advanced level with a couple of weeks. They’re also all fully updated for the new iOS 7.

iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide

iOS Programming - The Big Nerd Ranch Guide

Updated and expanded to cover iOS 7 and Xcode 5, iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide leads you through the essential concepts, tools, and techniques for developing iOS applications.

It’s a top-quality book, with each of the chapters containing meaningful and useful information, nothing feels out of the ordinary and you’re hardly looking up on the web, for solutions to problems you couldn’t find solutions for inside of the book itself. Now, its important to note that there are only two chapters on Objective-C in this book, and so you might find it a little bit difficult at first, but nothing that practice wont be able to even out.

iOS 7 Programming Cookbook

iOS Programming Cookbook

iOS 7 changed the way customers use their phones. Everything is now animated; things are subtly moving around, sometimes without the user noticing these shifts and turns and twists.

What’s important to note here that this is a cookbook, which in other words means that it will be looking mostly at new functionality that has been implemented in iOS 7, and so previous knowledge of Objective-C might be necessary in order to fully understand it. It should be however purchased for future reference, as the author of this book is a great developer himself.

iOS 7 Application Development in 24 Hours

iOS Development in 24 Hours

In just 24 sessions of one hour each, learn how to build powerful applications for today’s hottest handheld devices: the iPhone and iPad! Each lesson builds on what you’ve already learned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success!

It’s not a bad book at all, the fact of the matter is - its built to help you do everything step-by-step, nothing you couldn’t do yourself with other books. Its 900 pages, and inside of it there is everything you could possibly learn about iOS and its development. On-going book series that are worth having in the shelf.

Programming iOS 7

Programming iOS 7

If you’re grounded in the basics of Objective-C and Xcode, this practical guide takes you through the components you need for building your own iOS apps. With examples from real apps and programming situations, you’ll learn how to create views, manipulate view controllers, and use iOS frameworks for adding features such as audio and video.

This is a book to pick-up once you’re at intermediate level, as it will take you to advanced within a few chapters. It has been recognized as one of the best and simplest books on iOS 7 (or any other version) development there is. Has quite an edge, but some say its starting to lose it.

iOS App Development For Dummies

iOS App Development For Dummies

iOS 7 represents the most significant update to Apple’s mobile operating system since the first iPhone was released, and even the most seasoned app developers are looking for information on how to take advantage of the latest iOS 7 features in their app designs.

If none of the above books felt good enough, or practical enough - this one definitely will. Its aimed at those who’re complete strangers to iOS, and want to pick up the pace and their own rate. Its full of documentation and other practical things, will take at most 6 weeks to build a proper app from the ground-up.


Its a great thing to learn - programming. Its also one of the most awarded job industries in the world, and the pay itself is a huge attraction for those who’re still considering to begin their journey. I hope these books were of help to get you in the right direction.

Behind the Scenes: How The Driver Vine App Was Created

See the Driver Vine App here

The Backstory

I thought speaking to the Government was scary but it actually turns out regular people work there 🙂 Okay, why am I saying this?

I decided to make an app for people taking the UK Driving Theory Test and it turns out, you can license the official question bank from the Driving Standards Agency at

I got in touch by email and a nice guy called Alan replied and walked me through the process. You have to make sure the app doesn’t use official artwork, attribute the DSA etc.. and..

… you have to pay 13% royalty to the UK Government on any proceeds you make!

After Apple takes 30%, the Queen takes 13%, I probably will be left with enough to put petrol in the car…

.. but I still went on and made the app anyway and it is now live in the App Store.

Watch the video to see behind the scenes on how I got the app up and running.

1) You will see the DSA website where I got the license from
2) The actual stuff which was sent to me (See what I got instead of an API!, It’s like we are back in 1984)
3) How I managed to do the implementation in 2hrs (condensed to 4 mins)

Watch the video above and let me know what you think.

If you want to make your own Quiz/Test/Trivia app, take a look at the Quiz Maker template to give you a jump start

5 Changes in iOS 7.1 You Will Learn to Love

5 Changes in iOS 7.1 You Will Learn to Love

I think that a lot of people were disappointed with the iOS 7.0 update, especially those who possess an iPhone 4 - it was one of the most unhealthy, uncalled for updates in Apple history, and I can still remember my friends complaining about it, both online and offline.

iOS 7.1 has been in BETA for quite some time, and even before the public release - hackers and tech enthusiasts were getting their hands dirty, by releasing public jailbreak hacks that unfortunately for some, were taken care of rather quickly.

The iOS 7.0 brought many performance issues for those who are using the iPhone 4, and I’m happy to announce that in the newest iOS 7.1 update, these issues have been taken care of. I recommend reading the Ars Technica review of the new update, to learn more about the smaller details like improvements in battery life, which aren’t really that great.

Try a New Driving Experience With CarPlay

Apple wants to be everywhere, including your car. You might have heard of CarPlay already, and if not - it’s a new ‘experience’ from iOS that will help to integrate your car with your iPhone. The official statement says that CarPlay is going to work only with iPhone 5 and up devices.

Apple - CarPlay

It will come integrated into the newest cars, by a select list of manufacturers that is continuously growing, thanks to new agreements and partnerships. You can expect to manage your messages, music, photos and even contacts from within your cars dashboard. Is also connected with Siri, and so you can take action trough voice based commands.

Long Awaited Siri Improvements

How many times have you accidentally entered Siri, only to realize that it is listening and you’ve got to say something, or you’ve already said it - and it’s unable to find it. I know I have, quite a few times. The new updates brings a much needed change, allow you to control when Siri is listening by holding down the home button of your iPhone. You can then release it, instead of having Siri figuring out when you’ve stopped talking.

Includes updates of more natural sounding male and female voices for the following languages,

  • Mandarin Chinese
  • UK English
  • Australian English
  • Japanese

iTunes Radio Ad-free with iTunes Match

iTunes radio is also getting some love in this new iOS 7.1 update and brings forth some new additions like the Search field above Featured Stations to easily create stations based on your favorite artist or song. You can now directly buy albums from your favorite artists by a single tap of the button from the Now Playing screen.

Apple - iTunes - iTunes Match

The last improvement for the iTunes Radio is a subscription service to iTunes Match - Subscribe to iTunes Match on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to enjoy iTunes Radio ad-free.

Calendar Gets Country Specific Holidays

Tiny update to the Calendar application will now automatically list other country holidays, and also display events in month view.

iOS 7.1 Calendar Changes

It’s not the largest update we’ve seen, but it certainly changes the way we’re going to interact with the calendar, and more people prefer the iOS 7.1 style than they do the version before.

iOS 7.1 Has More Accessibility

The last three major points in the new iOS update are for accessibility, making the phone more usable and appealing to the masses. Here are the three points,

  • Bold font option now includes the keyboard, calculator, and many icon glyphs
  • Reduce Motion option now includes Weather, Messages, and multitasking UI animations
  • New options to display button shapes, darken app colors, and reduce white point

This and many other small tweaks were made to improve the performance of your mobile phone, and more importantly - the performance of the operating system. Take a look at the full documentation at the official Apple page, and let us know what you think of these changes.

Are you pleased with the changes?

Images courtesy of Apple, Inc., Input Factory, Inc.

How to learn about security from Apple SSL Bug mistakes

Secure Sockets Layer, or otherwise known as SSL - was introduced to the world back when Netscape was still dominating the majority of browsers market share, it was back in 1995 when the version 2.0 was available to the public, in hopes to protect the unprotected, and of course prevent hackers from having easy access to eCommerce websites.

On February 21st, Apple released a security patch for their iOS software, a new version of 7.0.6 was released to patch a SSL implementation bug in the encryption of the software. SSL is known was the modern way of protecting peoples privacy and data that gets shared across their network.

The Apple SSL Bug in this case would let a hacker, cracker or anyone else who’s hacking consciouss - to access your mobile phones data without your consent. The hacker could listen to whatever someone is doing on their iPhone, iPad and you would never find out about it. It’s worth noting that it only worked on shared and public networks.

Here is the original piece of code that security experts were able to find and audit, which made the whole security flaw possible.

static OSStatus
SSLVerifySignedServerKeyExchange(SSLContext *ctx, bool isRsa, SSLBuffer signedParams,
uint8_t *signature, UInt16 signatureLen)
OSStatus err;

if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &serverRandom)) != 0)
goto fail;
if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &signedParams)) != 0)
goto fail;
goto fail;

if ((err =, &hashOut)) != 0)
goto fail;

return err;

The function you’re looking at is called whenever an iPhone is connecting to an encrypted website with a SSL secured connection, in short: it’s supposed to verify that the encryption key coming to is legitimately accepted by the websites operator. It’s like computers are playing ping-pong.

Take a look at the lines 11 & 12, and see whether you notice something strange there. It’s two duplicate ‘goto fail;’ statements that enables the program to bypass an important authentication security check. Whenever the program is requested to authenticate a digital signature, the program never reaches that point and so it’s easy to bypass.

goto fail; - Audit Yourself Online

goto fail;

Website was built, that enables you to check your own browser / software against the bug, and it will clearly display whether you’re safe or vulnerable to the security exploit. The website is called ‘goto fail;‘ and also includes a link to a tutorial that explains the whole audit in a little bit more in-depth manner.

What Can We Learn?

It’s clear that this was nothing more than a mistake on the developers side, an honest typo mistake that could have been avoided, but it wasn’t. It probably was for the best anyway, without the flaw - we’d never get to see a website like ‘goto fail;’ - which most likely has helped more than just those who were victims of the Apple SSL Bug. It enabled to make a bridge for other software makers, and helped people who weren’t aware their devices could be hijacked so easily.

Security is complex, and finding little bugs like these does not come easily, one has to learn to spot the typo (in this case) and then evaluate on how it can be used to maliciously attack the site. It’s not an easy task, but we can learn that things like that should be acceptable, and it can only improve the focus and attention when the next software update is being released. I feel bad for whoever let this error slide in the production release, but that’s life.

It was an honest, public failure. It doesn’t make SSL any less appealing or secure, if anything - SSL will stay where it is, doing what it always has done, all you have to do is make sure that the configuration is tuned in properly. This bug caught many peoples attention, showing how dangerous public code can be, and how easy it is to manipulate software company as big as Apple itself. We need to reasses, and look at our options thoroughly, to make sure we’re not making the same mistakes twice.

Real tests, with real humans doing them, that might brings us a step closer to secure and peaceful code environments.

Image courtesy of HuffPost