See the Driver Vine App here
The Backstory
I thought speaking to the Government was scary but it actually turns out regular people work there 🙂 Okay, why am I saying this?
I decided to make an app for people taking the UK Driving Theory Test and it turns out, you can license the official question bank from the Driving Standards Agency at
I got in touch by email and a nice guy called Alan replied and walked me through the process. You have to make sure the app doesn’t use official artwork, attribute the DSA etc.. and..
… you have to pay 13% royalty to the UK Government on any proceeds you make!
After Apple takes 30%, the Queen takes 13%, I probably will be left with enough to put petrol in the car…
.. but I still went on and made the app anyway and it is now live in the App Store.
Watch the video to see behind the scenes on how I got the app up and running.
1) You will see the DSA website where I got the license from
2) The actual stuff which was sent to me (See what I got instead of an API!, It’s like we are back in 1984)
3) How I managed to do the implementation in 2hrs (condensed to 4 mins)
Watch the video above and let me know what you think.
If you want to make your own Quiz/Test/Trivia app, take a look at the Quiz Maker template to give you a jump start