Been wanting to try out a good project on Swift and Xcode 6? Well, I’ve got you covered. In this 6-part tutorial, I will be showing you how to create a Dribble Client from scratch using a lot of really cool techniques in iOS.

I have broken up the tutorial into small video chunks about 5-6 minutes long and at the end of it you will have an app that connects to the Dribbble API, downloads shots and displays them in a beautiful collection view.

So let’s get started.

Video 1: Introduction

This is the introduction of our 6-part Xcode tutorial on how to create a Dribbble app from scratch in Swift. In this video, I show you the app we are going to build and how to connect to the Dribble API.

Video 2: How to Download Data Using NSURLSession

This NSURLSession tutorial in Swift will show you how to download data in the background on iOS from an API. In this case, we are using the Dribbble API.

Video 3: Working with JSON in Swift

Working with JSON in Swift on iOS can be tricky. In this video, I will show you how to parse JSON data received from an API endpoint and convert that into a Swift class.

Video 4: How to Style a UICollectionView

In this video, you will learn how to style an iOS Collection View that’s engaging and beautiful. This tutorial is done in Xcode 6.

Video 5: How to Style a UICollectionView: Part II

We continue with populating the Collection View with data and images.

Video 6: Asynchronous Loading of Images

Here is how to load a UIImage Asynchronously and set it to a UIImageView in Swift. When loading images from the web, you want to load them asynchronously so they don’t make your app hang. Here is how to load a UIImage Asynchronously and set it to a UIImageView in Swift. When loading images from the web, you want to load them asynchronously so they don’t make your app hang.

Video 7: Finishing Touches

This is the last video in the series. We add some finishing touches to make the Collection View look good.

This is the introduction of our 6-part Xcode tutorial on how to create a Dribble app from scratch in Swift. In this video, I show you the app we are going to build and how to connect to the Dribble API. This is one video in a 6-part Xcode Series. Click the link above to get the complete course


  1. Pingback: Video Tutorial: Creating A Dribbble Client App In Swift Using UICollectionView

  2. Pingback: Video Tutorial: Creating A Dribbble Client App In Swift Using UICollectionView - Dariusz Rybicki

  3. Mike

    Great tutorial - but ran in to a problem. A the completion of the 3rd video in the series we use GCD to return the shots array - the Swift code at this juncture is - completion(shots). However I get a runtime error resulting from unwrapping a nil object. Shots is a populated array although completion as a variable itself is nil - which is why I presume this is failing. Any help would be appreciated.

  4. 10mitri

    Thank Tope for this tutorial!
    Do you plain to continue to explain the rest of the complete iShots App with video?
    - ShotDetailController
    - ProfileViewController
    - ShotZoomController
    - TransitionOperator
    - …

  5. stereolaunch

    Thanks for this tutorial! I’ve been able to pull out a lot of pieces and apply it (with some modifications) to the app I’m working on. This has been very helpful!

  6. Gina

    Hey tope,

    Video 2 doesn’t seem to be working. I’m getting sound but no picture.
    Please advise.

    And thanks for your Tutorials. I love them and have been so valuable.

  7. Thierry

    Hi, thank you very much, this is a nice tutorial.
    But there is something strange on the home page, when you scroll, some images are reversed… And sometimes we can find the same image for many users…
    What is the problem? Do you have a solution?

  8. Steven

    Hi Tope,
    I have a question that I couldn’t find any where. Basically my question is : when my App approved and put it on AppleStore, if I want to update some contents inside my App like “button ( About Us) ” or posting a job for a company how can I update the contents inside my App everyday? Do I need API? Or API is it important to have?

  9. Mariano

    Hello, Tope! Great example! BTW… I’ve found some issues with it. It’s not ready to Swift 1.2 (not a big problem) but there is a bug using slugify URLs (image URLs) using “(” and “)” on it (the slug remove it, but they are still there) so… we need a codification for it. Something like: .dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false) but I don’t know where to use it or how. If not, the image url return as “nil” and the app crashes.

    An image cache would be, also, a great example (kinda flashes when you scroll, changing fast).

    But, still, great example!